Untitled A documentary (1-14) about Sumbawa,an island in Indonesia that is a member of the group of islands east of Java called Nusa Tengara, the Lesser Sunda Islands. This documentary is made by someone during a trip to Indonesia in 2002-2003. I cannot resist sharing this beautiful documentary with my friends on Multiply. Please join me and enjoy......and thank you Mr.Rodcwahr for your generosity to make us involve in your personal enthousiasm..that happens to be mine as well. (1)- Departure and Arrival (2) - Early morning on the beach (3) - Sea shells and fishermen (4) - Searching for Dutch cemetary (5) - Beach recreation. Storm (6) - Cloth weaving in Poto village (7) - Water buffaloes (8) - Moyo island by fishing boat (9) - Moyo island and caught big fish (10) - Moyo island and fish roasting (11) - Palace and my birthplace (12) - Songs were sung (13) - Farewell to Sumbawa (14)..Farewell to Sumbawa).......